First Monday 2020

I guess it was delayed as long as possible, which, upon examination and reflection, I’m not sure is a good thing or a bad thing, but the years first Monday is today. The above picture depicts my emotional response to that.

The first work week of 2020, while it was only two days long, was a long and brutal week. This-un should be a whopper!

The weekend was acceptable. Made it to the beach yesterday. Friday we had somee friends over for a cookout.. The thought occured to me that we should always do something Friday night, as it makes the weekend seem longer.

Its breezy and cool, wondering about the rain part though. I guess today is a van day, not a scooter day. The van needs an oil change and I’ve been wondering why I’m not getting the customary email fromthe garage reminding me of the fact.

Anyway, I caan tell I’m boring you, so I’ll shut up.

Have a good first Monday of 2020!

2 thoughts on “First Monday 2020

  1. It’s actually 40 degrees here in St. Louis. Ut’s going to be in the 40’s and 50’s all week. We’ve had a little snow and a few cold snaps but it’s like winter hasn’t shown up yet.

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