Friday Is Coming!

It’s Thursday, but that means that it’s Friday on the other side of the international date line! And Friday is speeding aroundthe globe, headed our way!

It’s supposed to rain this weekend, and while I’m normally not a rain fan, we really need it. Yesterday the weather was showing some major rain between Miami and Havana. Now it’s not looking like so much rain will be coming  🙁


I got a new backpack, very similar to my old backpack and I’m happy with it.

And now it’s time for me to make lunch, and get ready  to head off to work. And  get cuppa coffee #2!

Enjoy your day!

4 thoughts on “Friday Is Coming!

    • A place called Blue Wave in the new shopping center on WB Road, S of the road to the Strand. ( I already sent you a FB message)

  1. still thin k you should have got a super hero one.. we are going to have a week of no rain before we get more rain..but damn everything is sooo green.

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