Morning Toothbrushing

Morning toothbrushing, when do you do it? It seems hard for me to find the correct time, logically. Do I do it when I first wake up? I just brushed my teeth before bed, I haven’t eaten or drank anything since I brushed my teeth. I’m ready to go eat breakfast and drink coffee.

Do I do it before I leave for work? Halfway through my first cup of coffee? And then go to work and drink more coffee?

There seems to be no really good time for morning toothbrushing.

When do you brush your teeth in the morning? These things keep me awake at night.

Have a fantastic day!

Earth’s Best First Cup

This morning is my first cup of coffee from my Tia Cynthia in Costa Rica, brought up by my yoga and pickleball partner on her visit to Costa Rica. It is quite good, of course! Best on the planet.

It’s also Friday , two fast weeks in a row. It’s nice when the workweek goes fast, it isn’t so nice when the weekend flies by

Here’s wishing you a fast workweek and slow weekend!

Costa Rican Coffee

My friends got back from Costa Rica and brought me coffee from my Tia Cynthia. I can’t wait to try it.

I feel nostalgic about the coffee, my friends visiting the familiar house of my Aunt. I wonder if I’ll ever be there again? The last time I was there, I never dreamed it would be the last time I’d be there.

Happy Thursday !

Double Disaster

Day before yesterday, I left my coffee cup at work. Yesterday i took my spare. Then I left it at work too.

Dounle Disaster!

This morning I am doing the unthinkable, I’m not making coffee at home and waiting to get to work to have my first cup.

You’re probably thinking “He’ll never make it” and to be honest, I’m having my doubts too. 20 minute drive with no coffee? I doubt it’s ever been attempted before.

If this is my last post, good bye! I love you all! If I make it, then the next time we meet, I shall be a hero! But we’ll all still be equals in my eyes!

I bid you adieu!

Roont Espresso Maker

I ruined my espresso maker yesterday. A few days ago one of the mini welds broke on the wire handle. I thought I could get it fixed easily. I should have just left it alone. I’ve been using it every day for 21 years. It would have been good indefinitely even with the broken handle. But no, i took it to a welder who butchered it all up. It burned through to the inside. The welder had no awareness of what he was doing.

Today i made coffee with a P.O.S. aluminum one. I’m very disappointed. But I do have a new one on the way. Hopefully the same quality as the one that was destroyed.

Happy Friday!

Breakfast of Champions!

Pictured above we have vanilla almond milk with banana added to the milk. It’s quite sweet. Close to a little too sweet. AND you have yer chocolate cake. A whole chocolate cake. Bigger than a doughnut. This was my breakfast the other day. And coffee, the coffee did the trick, pulling the whole meal together.

You should try it sometime! Live a little!

Super Nice Weekend

I didn’t make it to the dog walk. Daisy is still in pain from her hips and i had visitors..

A foid friend from. Jamaica was here and we went to a 7AM yoga class, followed by breakfast and meeting her friends on the beach. Then burgers on the grill and that was the end of an extremely nice, relaxing day with LOTS of coffee!

And now it’s back to work on ANOTHER Monday!

Have a wonderful week!

Lifes Greatest Mystery

I woke up this morning and began wondering if it was Saturday or Sunday. I brilliantly deduced that it must be Sunday. I got up and my devices told me it was FRIDAY!

Cool beans. Two more days off after today.

Have a good weekend!

Red Sky At Morning…

sailor take warning.

After a very rainy, lightning and thundery night, we’re having a very red sunrise. Pictured above. I guess it’s more rain today, but you can’t tell.

I was selected for a jury yesterday. 🙁 I can’t say more than that.

i slept good and pleasantly but want to sleep more. Need coffee!

Have a wonderful day!