On this morning’s walk, we encountered theee dog. He kind of headed the other way as soon as he saw us coming, barking in retreat. I stayed calm, telling Daisy “no barking, no pulling, good Daisy” and she was good. She seemed to politely observe him walking away.
Previously, I said he looked like a doberman / German Shepherd mix. On second glance, he’s just a brown mutt dog does not look like a doberman or a German shepherd. Just a West Bay dog. Not even as big as I thought.
Funny, isn’t it?
I’m not saying the problem is resolved between Daisy and the other dog, but today’s encounter was quite different than what was expected and previous encounters.
Yesterday at work was somewhat adventurous. A radio antenna on a vehicle broke and they needed a replacement. I have new radio kits with new antennas, but no spares. So after a few calls, I went and cannibalized one off an old fire truck.

It was fun. Above is me on an old truck and showing a newer truck.
Happy friday! Have a fantastic weekend!