I don’t have a good understanding of HRV. I know it’s the variation in time between one heartbeat and the next. But I don’t understand the balanced / unbalanced versus the “higher score is better” general rule described in many tutorials. Mine remains quite low, I think.

in the images above, the unbalanced portion roughly coincided with my visit to the USA for my high school reunion. Other than that there has been no significant difference in my daily activities or diet that I am aware of to cause this variation.
According to the tutorials, a higher HRV number is better. What does that mean? That there is more variation between hard beats? Why is that better? What does the balanced / unbalanced mean?
I’ve studied it, and it doesn’t make sense to me. Maybe you can explain it to me, in a way that a child could understand it.
Thanks, and, Have a great day!