It’s my birthday! I forgot till the OI Girl told me this morning! It’s also Anduins Bday, go tell her HBD too!
Soon We go to the airport, I’m sneaking this post while the OI Girl is in the other room!

0 thoughts on “HBD!

  1. no birthday suit this year? I guess the scar pic was close enough!!! Have a great day!Happy Birthday to you,Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday Markd60,Happy Birthday to you.Annnndddd mmaaannnnnnyyyy moooorrrre…

  2. I can’t believe you still haven’t told her about the blog! And I can’t believe you forgot it was your birthday!!! Have a great day!!! Safe trip!

  3. Since you’re going to the US, maybe you could try this out. Someone told me that if your birthday is on 7/11 and you go to a SevenEleven store you’ll get a free slushie. There aren’t any around me that I know of or I would try it. It’d be cool if it were true.

  4. Happy Belated Birthday Mark! I haven’t been around in a while and didn’t know you had surgery. I hope all is healing well and that you’re back to normal soon! Take care and enjoy your trip to the US!

  5. Happy birthday to you! Glad I could share it with you. Thanks for letting us know. Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy BIrrrrrthday dear Marrrkkkkk, Happy birttthdaaaayyy to yououuuuuuuuu!