Hurricane Season

Hurricane season starts tomorrow. I hope we have a quiet year. The last two in a row, here, have been very quiet.

I have quite a busy day today, I have to take some scuba tanks to get hydro-ed, I have to go to see a man about some building supplies. I really want to get the apartment started. (I have plans to add an apartment to the house, to supplement my income). And I have to go to work on a transmitter. I have a problem that is a real doozie. Plus I would like to go to the beach for a little while, seems like I haven’t been to the beach in a long time. I rekkon almost two weeks.

2 thoughts on “Hurricane Season

  1. Wow an apartment… what a project. Can't wait to see some phtoos of progress as you go.I hope your hurricane season is quiet.. as in none!

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