Im going on vacation!

This is my last day of work before vacation! I’m staying here and diving with Inner Space, the annual week of closed circuit rebreather diving and training at Dive Tech. I am excited!
I have a hard time reminding myself that no matter how bad it seems at time, I have a really good life. Two years ago at Inner Space I took my first rebreather class. I bought my Inspiration Rebreather (The Best of the Best!). Then last year I upgraded to the Vision Electronics package and this year I plan on being on the trimix boat every day! (See my blog entries a year ago)

Anyway, I’m going to work today, and that’s it fo me for 10 days! (I’ll still be posting posts here)

0 thoughts on “Im going on vacation!

  1. Mark, I think your life sounds like one big vacation that I’d like to be on. And now you keep going on these mini-vacations! It’s no fair!(have fun)