It's not porn I swear!!

I was tagged by Daisy Mae. Here’s what I’m supposed to do:

1. Delve into your blog archive.

2. Find your 23rd post (or closest to).
My 23rd post is entitled “May First”. Ironic that it is this post

3. Find the fifth sentence (or closest to).
1: My long period of celibacy ended. 2:Last night a girl I really like called and said she was locked out of her house, could she come over. 3:So I said yes. 4:SHe is much younger than I and has a perfect body. 5: big firm tits and tiny waist and perfect ass. It was fabulous. I can go a long time without sex and THINK I’m horny, but after I get laid once, THEN I am REALLY horny.

4. Post the text of the sentence in your blog along with these instructions. Ponder it for meaning, subtext or hidden agendas…
meanings and hidden agendas, there are none. She is truly beautiful. Her perfection described in the fifth line showed me there are things better than I can imagine. I was and still am very lucky. I was divorced, then with a girl for about two years in a long distance relationship and found out she had someone else the whole time. That was 2001 – 2003. I was in the pits for a long time from that. I’m not saying I was completely squashed, but I was definitely living half-heartedly. Then this girl called out of the blue and helped bring me back. I am grateful she came over when she did. I haven’t talked to her since she left that next morning, but she re-ignited my desire for intimate companionship, and re-set me on my journey today. It was a turning point in my life. There is nothing better on this Earth than being with a woman.

5. Tag five people to do the same.
Everybody I know has already been tagged by this one, So if you’re reading this and haven’t done it, Consider yourself tagged!

0 thoughts on “It's not porn I swear!!

  1. Ha ha, it was a good thing that you added sentences one through five and more because had you just posted sentence five… well.

  2. Eh hem, I think I need to go smoke a cigarette after that. Geesh, I wouldn’t know how to act if I had men calling me out of the blue for one thing or another. Life is good Mark!