Jimi Hendrix

September 19, 1970, Jimi Hendrix died of a drug overdose. I never really liked most of his music. But it seems to be getting better as I get older. Same as The Doors and The Who, when I was young I didn’t care for them, but they’ve gotten better with age.This week I must mow the lawn, I’ve been putting it off so long, if I’d a done it when I first should have, I’d be needing to do it again now anyway.
And I have to rustle up some work. That radio station I’ve been working on hopefully will be finished this week.
Saturday, we bought a slow cooker and tested it out Sunday with some beef stew. It came out pretty good but was done in about 4 hours instead of 10.

5 thoughts on “Jimi Hendrix

  1. Good luck with the rustling!Your diving images from the weekend are terrific!!I think you and Mariasol have done a marvellous job taking on feeding the ferals – I myself would find it a lot more tricky with two big dogs.Have a great week.

  2. Your diving photos are great. Never went diving myself but, you make it look like a lot of fun. I didn't grow up with the music groups in this post and judging from Hendrick's picture, I'm sure it wasn't anything I missed out on. Happy mowing!

  3. Didn't like all of Hendrix's songs, did like all the rest…guess if you live in the Caymens you dance to the beat of a different drum heh?…debbie

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