Just got paid. . . .

And I’m broke! I only get paid once a month, I just got paid the last week in November. After I paid my rent I was shocked at how little money I have to last till next payday.
Send money! I’ll be waiting at the post office, holding my breath!

It’s Friday, I’m working tomorrow, but it looks like I might have Sunday off! I am very glad for that, because I expected to be working Sunday too.

I have a deep dive planned for Saturday, The Black Hole. Sounds cool, doesn’t it? Right now it looks like the weather isn’t going to cooperate though. I don’t really care, as long as I can go diving somewhere.

OK, I’m headed to the post office, to wait for your checks to start pouring in!

Have a nice weekend!

0 thoughts on “Just got paid. . . .

  1. On you’re way down there, Carnealian, would you mind picking me up so I can bring my cheque along?Do cheques with negative values count?I’m just switching jobs so it may be a while before I have any disposable income or vacation time.

  2. I’ll get that right out to you after I pay the bills, pay for Christmas, deposit in my retirement, and my kids college fund. OHHHH….could you maybe send me money I am looking a little short on my list.