Kicked in the nuts

Today I’m going to the doctor. It feels like somebody kicked me in the nuts, and it hurts when I cough or sneeze.

0 thoughts on “Kicked in the nuts

  1. It’s hernia, probably from diving on a boat with a piece of crap short ladder!I have to get my first real operation!Wish it was a fish!

  2. So sorry about the hernia, but at least they found what was wrong and can do something about it fast. I have to check out the penis fish thing. Sounds interesting. Hugs are coming your way friend.

  3. The second I read that I knew that’s what it was. When’s the op going to be? Hopefully you won’t be out of commission too long…what’s the down time on something like that? OI better get out the nurses outfit and take good care of you!Stuff like this happens to the best of us…but you didn’t have to go and prove it!!wbrgnbyg