Magically Delicious!

Today I will have (hopefully) a quiet day at work. I can get started on one of my projects I’ve been meaning to start, Fixing up the interior of the work van, I want to make a little studio in there. Like a regular broadcast vehicle.

Yesterday I had a good beach lunch, and it was actually sunny. Then after work I went grocery shopping. 212 dollars.

Remember a looooong time ago, I said I wanted to lose some weight? Well I’m down from 200 to about 185, but seem to be stuck. I’m trying to get to 175. I notice that if I eat breakfast, then by 10 am I have an insanely starving sesnation. So yesterday I bought breakfast, but then didn’t eat it till I got hungry, about 9:30 or 10 AM. That seemed to work better. I’m trying to eat more fiber too. I bought this nasty cereal, Fiber One. I guess it’s not too bad if you eat it before it gets mushy. Plus, it fills you up faster too. A half a bowl does the same job as a full bowl of Frosted Flakes or Lucky Charms (They’re Magically Delicious!)

0 thoughts on “Magically Delicious!

  1. FYI…I love the green clovers! And thanks to you I now know what that means!!Thanks!! And you’re such a dork for all of those links…what’s worse? I clicked on all of them!

  2. I think I’ve had Fiber One before. It’s dusty and it makes me cough. But, it’s good for you. Maybe instead of eating it as cereal, mix it in some yogurt. I find that if I eat breakfast, especially something carby like cereal, I’m starved too by 10:00. Maybe you should have eggs and fruit? Good luck on your weight loss. I think you look pretty darned slim at 185!