Monday Morning Quarterback


What a game.  Seattle had it in the bag and threw it away in the last 20 seconds.

It was a quiet weekend. The Wife is trying to not catch the cold that has been going around. We stayed home all weekend, except I went out to get her some cold medicine.

It was a beautiful weekend, weather wise, too.

I don’t have much to say, I’ve been feeling kind of “flat” lately. Not good, not bad, perfectly neutral.

Tomorrow is the final real estate test!

Have a good week.

5 thoughts on “Monday Morning Quarterback

  1. I only watched the halftime show but it seemed like it should have been a good game with the score so close the whole time. I think you made up for any “flat” you may have felt during the groundhog/squid post! That was a good one!

  2. One of the best Super Bowls I can recall, though I didn’t have much of a rooting interest either way. Seems like half the time the game turns into a blowout.

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