Happy Happy Joy Joy! Monday!



Still mostly cloudy with scattered showers, but it’s supposed to start breaking up Tuesday, That’s tomorrow.

Yesterday the Wife had a flat tire in the car park. i got my tire plug kit and scuba tank and fixed ‘erĀ  up. When I let the dogs out this morning it was still holding air. That’s good. Also, I had this wart on my middle finger of my right hand, somehow patching that tire I ripped that sucker clean out! It bled a lot but I’m glad to be rid of it. I usually rip it out myself every other year or so.

Friday we went to a make-yer-own-pizza party. That’s a real good idea for a party. Everyone was flinging dough up in the air and all around like Professional Italian Chefs. And then we made our own mini pizzas!

Also I got somebody interested (maybe) in my first and only house for sale.

So far this week so good! Havva goodun!

Getting Lighter Earlier


It is noticeably getting lighter earlier and staying light later, a sure sign that spring and summer are coming. This makes me very glad.

I am officially a real estate agent. Do you want to buy something?

I’m glad we got Monday out of the way, it was along, hard day. Today must be better.

I need to start taking more photos. I love my camera and hardly use it anymore. The new wears off until I pick it up.

Have a good day!

Multi Media


School of fish , from which the barracuda eats



Above are pics from lunchtime yesterday. I wonder if it’s the same school of  fish and the same barracuda from previous posts.

I (sometimes) take pictures, mostly I want to put them here, but sometimes I post them on Facebook, then I feel like I’m repeating myself by posting them here. Plagiarism of me by me. 

I passed my final real estate test yesterday. Now we’ll see what’s next.

I don’t have much to say today. Kinda woke up and didn’t sleep too well after 2.

Monday Morning Quarterback


What a game.  Seattle had it in the bag and threw it away in the last 20 seconds.

It was a quiet weekend. The Wife is trying to not catch the cold that has been going around. We stayed home all weekend, except I went out to get her some cold medicine.

It was a beautiful weekend, weather wise, too.

I don’t have much to say, I’ve been feeling kind of “flat” lately. Not good, not bad, perfectly neutral.

Tomorrow is the final real estate test!

Have a good week.

Dreaming of the Weekend

This morning, before the  alarm went off, I was dreaming it was Saturday. 5AM is awful early, and it seems to be getting earlier.

I am studying for test 3 for the real estate license. It is very difficult. They give you sample questions, and I cannot find the answers in the text.

It was supposed to be rainy today, but I don’t think it’s going to be. Scooter to work and beach for lunch!

I feel like I need to start putting more effort into this blog. I never know what I’m going to post before I post it.

At the end of this month, I’m going to see my Mom in Maryland, USA. Just outside Washington DC. It will be cold. I’m compiling a list of things to buy and people to see. I’ll be there from a Thursday to a Tuesday.

I don’t have much excitement about going to work today.

Have a Good Day!