
I slept good last night, and didn’t wake up till the alarm went off.
I feel really good this morning.

Today I will sign up for two courses:

CompTIA A+ Certification & Computer Technology


CompTIA Network+ Certification & Computer Technology

The first one, I know almost all the material already, but I want to be completely ready for the second course, which is important. This means I’ll be getting up at 3 AM again to study. I’ve done it before, as you know, if you’re a long time reader.

Anyway, IT’S THE WEEKEND! I am looking for ward to the weekend, after today, I only have two days left at Radio Cayman.

Now that I’m done there, I will share with you my two work mottos:

#1 “I don’t care what they broadcast, as long as they broadcast”

#2 “I love Radio Fukkin Cayman, and Radio Cayman loves fukkin’ me!”

0 thoughts on “mottos

  1. Glad you slept well. I admire you for taking 2 classes. It's never too late to learn and you never know….might lead to a fab. job!!Good luck!! By the way, what are those classes about? Computer Classes? Not sure what the TIA is…enlighten me please…debbie