New Worlds Record!

I live in a small apartment complex, 5 apartments in a row, in a building that is probably smaller than your house. We all know each other and Guess what appeared out at our trashcans yesterday? A Christmas Tree! It has to be some kind of new worlds record, doncha think? I can’t wait to razz my neighbor whose tree it was. (I’ve been in 4 out of the 5 apartments, so I can guess fairly accurately where it came from. Unless somebody dumped it, but I don’t think so, because it is on the parking lot side of the trashcans, not the street side.
Yesterday I went onto work early and then forgot and stayed till the regular time. I could have left early.. After work, I went to the beach, but forgot my towell. Instead of walking the four minutes all the way back home, I just laid on the sand with nothing. It wasn’t too bad. My dog does it all the time.
Today is Wendesday, split shift day. Beach here I come!

Here’s what I’m trying to pass off as an abstract photo

0 thoughts on “New Worlds Record!

  1. Is that an urchin?A Christmas Tree….that’s just embarassing! I’d take the beach with or without a towel. Have a great day!!

  2. You’re getting might forgetful there, MarkD. Maybe it was YOUR tree and you forgot you had it that long!

  3. Yes, it looks like an urchin with a tiny blue strafish in it!I too would like a beach even without a towel. Anyway, someone stole your towel 😉

  4. It is an urchin! I think it’s just blue markings, not a starfish though. i’ll have to go look closer.I could have remembered to grab another towel.