On the OI with the OI girl

I’m on the Other Island and Ernesto may be a problem. I’d rather not be stuck here for the storm comes because it’s my job to be at work at the station. Although I’m working here, and I like being with the OI girl, I’m sure you know what I mean.
I’m here for a summer youth radio camp, teaching teenagers and a little under about radio. I guess the Department Of Youth and Sports has a little interst in radio, since they do a youth program every week.
I’m supposed to go back on Sunday morning.

0 thoughts on “On the OI with the OI girl

  1. I saw that on the news this afternoon and immediatly you came to mind. And of course I said a little prayer for you. Please keep us posted on everything, I have a tendancy to worry about people I care for. And you fall into that category buddy!

  2. How is the weather down there?? I had fun at the beach, it is never long enough. My hair is super blonde, my skin tan and a little burnie, but it was fun! Hang in there!