P Week Pics

Here are a few pics from the Pirates Day festivities yesterday.
Click pics to enlarge

Pirate ship #1

Pirate ship #2

Pirates coming ashore!

A Scary pirate!


Steel Pan Band in parade. You should have seen this truck shaking!

A future Governor?

Rare Blue Iguana and Cayman Parrot

Sexy girls! (I didn’t even see the fish ’till I looked at the pictures!)

You should have seen the way THEY were shaking!!!

Pirate on parade

Sleeping through the loudest noise!

Caribbean Beauty

Food Zone

Street Party

It was fun, but I’m glad it is DONE!!!

0 thoughts on “P Week Pics

  1. Hi MarkD!Anna, Emma, and I are looking at your diving pictures right now. We’re also looking at your post about the burrito! Anna wants to know if the burrito was good when you ate it after 5 hours. Emma wants to let you know that we have a MarkD here too – her daddy! Looks like the pirate parade was fun – wish we were there.

  2. I loved the pics!!! Very nice!!! Very interesting blog you have…….I might pop in again when I need a ray of sunshine….lol

  3. Candy, When reading your comments, I feel like I can hear you talking!Carnealian, It was a lot of fun, but is it ever enough?Renee, Anna, Emma & MarkD2, The burrito post is one of my favorites!! I hoped it would get more attention! The buritto was still good! I nuked it again and it was fine! (Those things last forever almost)Chelle, thankd for visiting, cool concert pics!

  4. These are GREAT pictures, Mark!!!Thanks for sharing them.Looks like LOADS of fun!!! Now I know I DEFINATELY need to check this pirates festival out sometime!