Pre B-Day Day

Tomorrow’s the OI Girls birthday. I haven’t got a present yet. Any ideas? She wants dinner at this fancy restaurant, The Lighthouse. We’re going there, but that doesn’t let me off the hook, gift-wise.
I’m glad it’s Friday, too.

0 thoughts on “Pre B-Day Day

  1. I would say jewelry but you already bought her a ring. I’m glad you understand the need for a present in addition to the fine dining. Some men don’t. Just don’t buy her dead roses!

  2. Perfune? You know what ? Call her mom. They recently hung out right? I’m sure she’ll be able to tell you what Ol Girl missed getting…But you might get in trouble for waiting until the last minute…

  3. Well Happy B-day!Thanks for leaving a note from time to time on my site; it Really does mean alot – Thanks!Would love to buy a boat some day and venture down your way to see the world; LOL, I’m just starting out small, for a beginner whose afraid of the bathtub water.