Last week, I posted about my new safety razor, and chopping my own head off. After that I bought put the razor aside, and went back to the disposables.
Well, my Wife, at my previous request, got me another new, safety razor from a 150 year old shop in Scotland. Used it this morning for the first time.
Amazing difference. Not a single nick, and a super-good shave.
When she gave it to me yesterday, instantly I could feel the difference, just by holding it in my hand. The new one has a shorter handle and was much heavier. Not to mention more beautiful. Comparing the two, side by side, I couldn’t see much difference in the mechanism, the new one was a titch wider, but the part that holds the center was much tighter.
I couldn’t sleep last night, waiting to use it.
Before I started, I looked in the mirror and said to myself, “Now don’t chop yer head off.” I didn’t! And OMG! the shave was a bazillion-trillion-gazillion times better!

Old on the left, new on the right.

Notice the difference in the gaps in the mechanism that holds the blade.
Ladies, if your looking for a gift for your man, I recommend a new safey razor, but get a good one. Get a heavy one, get a quality one. It will be loved and should last forever!
Friday here, it got a little sunny in the afternoon yesterday, kinda cloudy now, but might be an OK day weather-wise. I don’t bother checking the weather anymore, since it’s been cloudy for a long time, and Ican’t ride my scooter or go to the beach because of my leg.
The World Cup started yesterday, not a big deal like the last one, mostly because of the time the games are played. No World Cup parties.
Have a great weekend!
…since I haven’t shaved in 40 some odd years, I don’t know what to say! Well perhaps , more power to you.
You can’t go wrong with a shaver from a 150 year old shop in Scotland Mark Thankfully shaving isn’t something I need to think about
I only shave once a week. I use my grandfather’s World War I safety razor, but good blades are hard to find in Lincoln, Nebraska box stores. What would you suggest?
I thought the standard double edge razor blade is available at any drug store and that most grocery stores had them.
I wish I had my grandfathers razor!
I can get them, I don’t like the quality of the blade. Wilkenson, Schick and Gillette are made by a conglomerate. They aren’t separate companies anymore. The blades aren’t as good as they used be, but of course, my face isn’t what it used to be either. Grandpa Budka saved everything and it was neatly stored away too. That’s how I ended up with one of his shaving kits and two Burma Shave jars. I love this stuff! That’s why I have a degree in history.