Random Fridayness

Two Spotted Eagle Rays inside the house

Itsa FRIDAY! It rained last night and it’s lighting-ey this morning.

Above in the picture are two spotted eagle rays. I had one, and had the other and decided to take a picture of them both.

Last night I considered going to Movie Night, but went outside and it was raining. Later, I checcked the Westin webcam and movie night looked like I was missing a good one. But a few minutes after I took this screenshot, I looked again and there were water droplets all over the camera. So it did rain at movie night after the below picture was taken. I don’t even know what the movie was anyway. Someone else told me that Tom Felton, the actor who played Draco Malfoy was there.

And it’s Friday, The only thing planned for the weekend are more house repairs (electrical) and lunch with the wife.

Have a good weathered weekend!