
Today I’m assembling the satellite dish, as much as I can. I went out to the transmitter site yesterday and was quite busy for a few hours, and got a lot done.

Although the days are supposed to be getting longer, it still seems darker each morning when I wake up. I’m trying to figure out the astronomical reason it seems like that to me.

I heard the weather yesterday, and today it’s supposed to rain. I DO NOT want it to rain today or this weekend.

I got new wheels for my lawnmower. I will put them on before I mow again, which must be soon. I have problems with all my plastic wheels, but notice the one (newish) metal one I have on there is the only good wheel I have. So I got three new metal ones. And new axles.

I have found the next phone I want. The Samsung Galaxy Note. It’s not out yet. It is a giant phone and/or a tiny tablet. Read the article by clicking the purple text above.

My wife showed me two big birds this morning, They looked blue with white beaks. She says they are Bald Plates. I didn’t get a picture. They were cool looking. Big.

2 thoughts on “Randomness

  1. Here is hoping the weather does right by you. I know how it is when you are looking forward to getting work done outside and the weather does not cooperate.Cool looking phone but it really doesn't look any bigger overall. I will admit that the viewable screen looks bigger than anything I have seen.

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