Ruff Morning

For a week or so, maybe more maybe less, the wind has been from the south. Yesterday, it turned around and is coming from the north. I can hear the surf from the house.This morning, the dawgs and I walked up to have a look. Above is a pic. I made a video but it is too long. and boring.

Tonight the Cayman Islands Chamber of Commerce Business Expo starts. I’m going to go.

I started reading a book, you probably saw the movie…”The Caine Mutiny”. I’ve read the first 6 chapters so far. It is going to be better than the movie. Did you know that “The Caine Mutiny” was a bestselling book, highly popular play, and top movie, all at the same time? 1954. There is a line in the book that touched me. “Wasted hours ruin a life, whether at the beginning or the end, but they’re more noticeable at the end”. I’m wasting a lot of hours these days.

4 thoughts on “Ruff Morning

  1. Yikes, that's pretty dramatic weather, there. I advise you to stay warm indoors, mauled by your favouite duvet, and enjoying that good book, until you are fit and well again (that's not wasted hours, it's called recouperation).

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