Sheba Dog Drinking in Slow Motion

Here is a 2 minute slow motion video of Sheba drinking. It is probably only cool to me. The last third is real time dog drinking.

7 thoughts on “Sheba Dog Drinking in Slow Motion

  1. That is one fantastic video, the switch from slow motion to real time is unbelievable, in fact it almost looks like it's from slow to super fast! LOLKudos to the cameraman!!!

  2. That's pretty nifty. I learned that when dog's drink their tongue curls backwards to catch the water. No wonder is take them so long to drink!! Give her a Straw! I thought it was a pretty nifty video!! …debbie

  3. You know, that is one good way of studying a dog when she's drinking water. Sheba kind of looked a little suspicious of the camera in her face as she drank, er, lapped. Ha! I thought this was a cool video. Watched the whole thing.

  4. Such a great video which the duration of the video makes the dog drink water with slow motion action. Its a nice article its intertaining.

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