Samsung Galaxy S II

Last week I got a new phone, a Samsung Galaxy S II. It’s the same phone my Wife has. So far I really like it. My old Nokia N97 mini had me worried almost as soon as I took it out of the box, but this phone is giving me no regrets.
Now I just have to learn all the features! The Wife has been showing me all kinds of tips and tricks, she’s the expert!

It’s looking like a busy week ahead. Two weeks ago I was worried, last week I wasn’t, now I am worried again. I think worry is the wrong word. Stress is the word. Anyway I’ll just keep taking it as it comes.

4 thoughts on “Samsung Galaxy S II

  1. It's always fun to get a new phone! I love my new iphone! Hope your's does a good job for ya!! Sure it will if the wife is pleased with hers!!…debbie

  2. I have a free phone and there is one tower for it in about 500 I have to stand on the porch no matter the weather to be heard or hear. my daughter in law said if i got a at&t phone she would put it on her plan and would only cost me $10..I'm waiting to be hooked up..will be great to be able to talk and now have to hang off the porch to make a call.

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