Seeing The Appeal

Mar 17, 2013 1017 (2)Lately people have been doing this “stand up paddleboarding”. I don’t see the appeal. To me, it doesn’t look like much fun. First time I saw anyone on a kayak, windsurfing or hang gliding or sailing in a sailboat, I thought “Dang, now that looks cool!” But paddleboarding looks slow and boring. You have to have flat calm water and it looks terribly inefficient. On a kayak you can put your back into it and get going as fast as you can. Paddleboarding looks like the challenge is to stand up and paddle at all. Apparently it’s all the new rage, but I don’t see the thrill.

DO you see the thrill?

14 thoughts on “Seeing The Appeal

  1. i think i’d be afraid that id fall and make an ass out of myself…

    p.s. you still having trouble on my site? talked to the hosting company again and they said they have escalated the issue

  2. Thanks for Engrish some of those are well funny.
    We have a blogger pal who has been trying paddleboarding with her dog. Now that would make it fun. Mind you with the amount of rain we have been getting here I could do with one for the park.
    Have a terrific Tuesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  3. Naw, especially when the skimpy bottom looks a bit too uncomfortably fitted. I gotta have a bit more on me and in the right places when standing on a paddleboard. Oh wait, I forgot, I don’t paddleboard.

  4. People do this at the gulf coast beaches, too. I’ve never seen the appeal, either. I think my best hypothesis was that it was people who couldn’t surf, but standing on a board made them feel like they’d accomplished a little something? Different strokes, I guess.

  5. Pingback: More Paddleboarders | Third Time!

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