There is a news article HERE about a solar storm we’re having now. I was going to post this yesterday, but found a blurb that said this July 2021 solar storm stuff was fake news.
I don’t think solar activity is fake news, but if you Google “Solar storm could cause catastrophe”, you find we almost died practically every year since the internet was invented.
It takes light 8 minutes to reach earth from the sun. We’d not know what hit us if something happened to the sun. Maybe some of our instruments could give us a little heads up, but there’s nothing we could do about anything that happens to the sun.
In other news I did go to the farmer’s market yesterday, compared to the weekend one there was very small. I didn’t even take any pictures. But I did buy a mango smoothie and a star fruit that I ate at work. Maybe I can germinate the seeds…
Tonight is movie night but I’m not sure if I’m going or not. Have a wonderful day!