Steak 'n Study

I received my second batch of lessons for my online course yesterday, so I’m back in the study mode.
IO Girl will be here day after tomorrow! I have to go do some shopping today. I think a little housewarming gift is in order.
My coffee is made but I haven’t drank any yet.
Last night I went out and had a big steak with a friend who was visiting for the day. His wife is friends with the OI Girl. His wife is a total vegetarian and the OI girl leans in that direction, so it was great to have a steak. The steakhouse is called Copper Falls. The way it is set up is different than most restaurants. On the menu one page has entrees, another page has side dishes, another has drinks, another has salads etc. When you order, you select one item from this page, two from that page and one item from each of the other two. (One drink is included in the price).
It is a really good system, you get to have what you want and everything has been totally fantastic both times I’ve been there.
Have a good weekend!

0 thoughts on “Steak 'n Study

  1. No way I can do the Vegan thing. I am carnivorous girl, I love my veggies, don’t get me wrong, but a gal needs balance. Now that photo looks like something I could hurt myself with…steak and zuccini is a favorite.

  2. That sounds like a fantastic system, hopefully it catches on elsewhere. And that pic is making me salivate like Pavlov’s dogs, but it’s 3 am so I shouldn’t be thinking about eating just yet… although steak for breakfast would be nice. Good luck w/ the studying.