I wasn’t going to post anything today, but I figured it would be easy to post a few pics from yesterdays dives. Especially since I had one that I think turned out cool.
Click all pics to enlarge!!

This is red rope sponge with (I think) the orange is elephant ear. I really like this pic, although as UW photos go, it’s worthless.
above is a juvenile spotted drum. Click pic to get a better view!!!
If you click this picture to enlarge it, you can see a really large grouper hiding in the little ‘cave’
The stern of the Kittiwake. The whole wreck is much closer to the reef and I think it is in much better shape here than where it was before.
This is the bow of the Kittiwake. The first pic of this post came from this one
Very Cool Pics Mark….especially the Kittyake bow……gives me inspiration to do a painting!
Or some diving?
wow….really..just wow.
Love the pics!
I always enjoy your underwater photos! Seeing how I'll never get there, I do so enjoy yours!! They really are nifty!! …debbie
original and spectacular photos!
That eel looks so funny. Great photos, I'd love to try doing this sometime. 🙂
Great shots!