vacation starts!

Today is my first day of vacation. I’m taking a few days off and going up to the US.

I’m not sure if I should take my laptop or buy a new one. I’m not sure I’ll be posting while I’m gone. (Believe me, no news will mean good news!!)

Yesterday I was supposed to dive but I had to work late. Now I won’t get a chance until I get back. I’m jonesin!

0 thoughts on “vacation starts!

  1. How fun for you to go on vacation! Which places will you be visiting in the U.S.? Anywhere fun and not so bloody hot?

  2. You’re leaving? But I just got back. Hope you have a great time. I did. I agree with beck too. It’s kind of funny really.

  3. Have a great vacation. We all will expect a full detailed report upon your return if not during the actual vacation itself. We want to know where you vacationed at, who you met, what you did … well, maybe THAT part can be left up to the imagination. But you get the gist. Give us the full 411 and have a great time!