Week Flying By

This week seems to be flying by. I know it’s only Tuesday, but it still seems like the week is almost gone already.
Yesterday my first cousin and his family came on a cruise ship. Our moms are sisters. The stay was nice, but very short. We came and saw the house, first time they’d ever seen it. Then we went to the beach for a little while. Above are snorkeling pics. Then we went downtown so they could do a little shopping, and then we took them back to the ship. They got off the ship at 8:30 and had to get back on at one PM. A very short visit.
Today have to get some new tires for the Wifes car. I’m trying to get a website up, as I already mentioned, and I just feel like there won’t be enough time in this week.
We got up and had a look at the Eclipse last night. It was about half way, and if you were only going to look once, we looked at precisely the best time. You could see the curve of the Earths shadow on the moon.
Now the days are getting longer again. Summer is on the way!

0 thoughts on “Week Flying By

  1. Thank God for the first day of winter! For like you said, the days will be getting warmer and only 3 months till Spring! Hip HIP HURRAY!!! So glad you had a nice visit with the in-laws! sounds like you packed in a lot in 4.5 hours!! I figured I'd see the eclips on TV this morning, which I did. It was too cloudy to see it here. The clouds rolled in about 11 pm…MERRRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU MARK!!! HO HO HO!!! …debbie