The Dogs go for their walk, The dogs pee on the road. They just stand there as pee flows under their feet. The dogs get tangled in their leashes. I lift their paw to get the leash out from under. I get a wet hand.
It’s a plot, a conspiracy to make my hands wet from dog pee.
Yesterday I got stuck in a loop. I’m still reading Don Quixote. (Donkey Hoetee). It’s terrible. Yesterday, I continued my read. (I’m at the part where Don sends Sanchez to give the letter to his lady, but Sanchez instead brings the priest and barber.) I passed out from reading it. I woke up an hour later, and started reading again. They met the real pretty girl dressed as a boy. I passed out again, from boredom. Woke up another hour later. If I had started reading again, I probably would have passed out again. It occurred to me that I could consume my whole life, read, pass out, read, pass out.
It’s a plot, a conspiracy to make me sleep all afternoon. It was hard falling asleep last night because I was so well rested from reading Donkey Hoetee. Also designed to torture high school students, and those forced into reading this book.
Actually Don Quixote is not that bad of a story, it’s just that the sentences are extremely long. I found a sentence that was a full page and a half long on my Kindle. Frequently, while reading this book, I get half way through a sentence and think “What? Who’s this talking? What are they talking about?” and have to go back.
Happy Wednesday. Another perfect day.