
That last post was a strikeout, I thought it was a pretty good comic.
This was a long weekend, as far as weekends go, it was cold and windy and waves too big for diving. I didn’t do much. I did go to the beach Saturday, but yesterday I didn’t do anything. I can’t even account for the time. I did kind of watch both football games. Redskins won again and I won $5! When I say kind of watch both games, I went to the NFL Gamecenter website, and from there I could see a scoreboard and read a play by play. Kind of like radio, except you read it.
I don’t know when I am going to see the OI Girl again. I was going to go next weekend, but after no diving this weekend… well I don’t know. I am asking myself how I got into this situation. I had a hard, fast rule: No Long Distance Relationships. Now it’s worse than before, before if I ws lonely, at least I could try to go and meet someone, now I just have to suffer. And the loneliness is worse now than before. Locked-in loneliness with a no-relief safety valve.
But, this is going to be a good week, last night I had to wake up and turn on the AC again. This morning when I went for the dogs walk it was nice and warm again, except the breeze was still cool. Mentally I actually feel pretty good. I feel like I am able to see clearly, which probably means that I am especially disillusioned.
Remember months ago when that girl from work went on vacation and I was entering the computer info while she was gone? Well, she’s going on vacation again and nobody has told me if I’m covering for her again of not. If I don’t have to, it’s good, because I get off early enough in the afternoon to do something fun. If I do have to, it’s good because I’ll be working a split shift and I love those loooong lunch hours! A Win-Win situation!
I hope you have a good week!

0 thoughts on “Win-Win!!!

  1. “I feel like I am able to see clearly, which probably means that I am especially disillusioned.” This is the most hilarious statement. I may have to post it on my wall at work. OK, I’m diligently trying to find a guy to spend time with and find myself lonely and frustrated by the experience. You have someone, though far away, and you’re lonely and frustrated. This whole dating thing is for the birds. Glad the weather is cooperating!

  2. Long distance relationships are extremely tough. But if you last, then you know you were meant for each other!

  3. Long distance relationships…yikes. That’s all I have to say about that. But you know, it can work if you want it to! Havea great day!

  4. I’m happy it warmed up some for you. It was close to 80 degrees here yesterday and I LOVED it. I’ve pretty much made up my mind that I’m going to retire to the islands.