Another Day Off Friday!

It’s another day off Friday for me! I don’t have any plans except to drink this cuppa coffee. Maybe beach today.

I’ve been swimming the half mile almost every day at lunch time. Once this week, I finished my swim and got out of the water and saw a girl swimming pretty close behind me. She swam on by as I got out and walked to the shower. While I was rinsing off I saw her walking down the beach towards the start of the half mile. She had her goggles and I knew she was a fellow swimmer practicing for the races.

She was about 25 meters ahead of me, walking down the beach. She started to walk past the beginning of the half mile and I thought “Dang, she must have swam the mile instead of the half mile.” As soon as I had the thought, she she got back in the water and began swimming the half mile again. At least twice.

I want to try that now, swim the half mile, walk back to the beginning, and swim it again.

Maybe today.

Have a great day and a wonderful weekend.