Double Digits!

My previous post is the first time I ever got double digit replies! I am sooo happy! I’ve been waiting and hoping, but I couldn’t say a word!

This is me dancing for joy!
Thank You Everybody!
(Don’t Stop!!)

Today wasn’t a bad day, this morning at 6 I was at the beach, for my second “walk beach and look for turtle nests” training. I think next week I’ll be on my own. this morning we didn’t find any, but we followed this weird trail a long way. It looked like a turtle, you could see the belly marks and the tail marks, but no fin marks. Hmm? We followed it all the way to this garbage can with a split in the bottom! The split made the “tail mark” when someone obviously dragged it from down on the beach up to one of the condos! Oh well! I walked with a girl named Lori this morning. It was nice! Then a Dept of Environment vehicle picked us up and took us back to the beginning where our cars were.

Then I went to work and it was a long dull day. I don’t have too much to say about that. For lunch, I went to the beach again and walked a little, laid around a little and swam a little. Then back to work for a nearly intolerable Friday afternoon, I just wanted to go! After work, I came home and took a nap. coming home is a fatal flaw. Every day I tell myself I’m just going to run in, get the dog, and head back out to the beach. But I never do. I sit down at the computer. Check email, check blog, cruise other blogs. Then it’s later and I figure it’s too late and I’ll take a nap. I like it a lot better when I do something in the afternoon and not go straight home after work. Once I go home, that’s it, the day’s over. I need more self-discipline.

These evenings, Venus and Jupiter are very close together after the sun goes down. Even if you live in a big city with lots of streetlights, I am sure you can see two bright “stars” about a thumbs length apart soon after sunset. Look west, about halfway between the horizon and straight up. The brighter one is the planet Venus, and the other is Jupiter. Check it out! it’s pretty cool! And easy to see!

0 thoughts on “Double Digits!

  1. I love the dancing picture. Who knew you had such great rhythm?By the way, did I mention yet that I like the new pic on your blogger profile? I’m going to have to get bust this weekend and post a new one myself. Maybe one with pink hair and purple eyes.

  2. I can’t really dance, it’s computer enhanced! I’m glad you like the new pic. It’s from lunch the other day. By the way, in the pic, I’m not naked, but can’t prove it!