
I can’t think of anything to post about today. Payday is in a week and I’m broke.
I read in National Geographic News that the volcano is going off again in Monserrat. I haven’t heard that news anywhere else. Except we had it yesterday.
The OI Girl has my big laptop. and we talk using yahoo messenger. I’m supposed to “meet” her at 8:30.
Here’s a pic of the OI Girl, I took it in the dark with no flash and lightened it up a bit. It’s pretty accidental, but I think it’s kind of cool. You can see her smile.

0 thoughts on “Nothing

  1. It’s funny you say you are broke…I was just thinking this morning about me being -Baroque-that is to have no Monet.You have to find humor in having more brains than money, as so often it is the opposite!

  2. I thought you IT people made all the money! 😉 Only teasing, I can totally relate…I am also very glad that I’m not the only person that takes pictures like that… It’s great!