Plant Die-Off

This last week has not been a good one for a lot of my plants. I think I lost all 9 of my tomato plants. They were holding on, barely growing it all. Then in the last week, they just wilted up and died I don’t think any plants in the screen House gets enough light. I wish I had put it where I knew it should be instead of where the ex wife wanted it.

I have a fern that has been struggling that seems to be ready to kick the bucket. Lettuce has quit producing leaves and is making seed. Beets never did well.

I have a lemon tree that has been dying for years. I’ve tried everything to save it .

it hurts to see the plants suffer, decline and die. I have a lot that are doing really well though. Most.

Made it out yesterday without being on a jury. I got selected, but got released because I had a note from the court excusing me one day for a dental appointment. Yeay!

Have a great day!

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