Friday afternoon, I took half the day off work, mowed my yard. I was super glad to get that out of the way.! Friday night, went to the 1 year anniversary dinner of One Heart. It was great! Best time and company I’ve had in years.
Saturday, i took my tennant who was renting the downstairs apartment to the airport and began cleaning up for the next renter. Wanna come visit? Now is the time!
also Saturday, at about 13:16:40 hours, I passed the milestone of one billion seconds clean and sober. That’s about 31 years 8 months.

Sunday, nobody was diving, so I signed up for a 7AM class. I thought it would be crowded, but it was nobody but me and the instructor, and I again enjoyed wonderful company along with quite a workout. In the future, I figure I can make that 0700 class and still make it to a 0900 shore dive…. Beats trying to make a noon class after the dive and missing lunch with the dive crew…

I needed to tidy up a little around the house, and around noon Sunday, decided I needed some bookends. So, on a whim, I made some. More like a mini shelf, really. The ends can slide along the bottom board, making it adjustable.

I gotta say, for less than an hours work, it came out pretty good. I’ve had this old scrap piece of hardwood for years and years and it was perfect for this project. I could have spent infinitely more time on it and made it all fancy, but I got it working and left it there, I like it. It’s rude and crude, just like me.
Sunday, later in the afternoon, I went to a birthday party where there was entirely too much food.
Now it’s Monday again, back to work. 🙁
There’s a joke that goes – “You know that old piece of wood I’ve been saving all these years in case I needed it? Well, I used it!”
I could build a lot of stuff with my saved wood.
Yes, I have a pile!