caterpillars again

Last year I had caterpillars eating my tree. I got special spray to kill them.

This year they come back again, but I just let them eat all the leaves on the tree. I figured if the tree died, I didn’t really like that tree / bush anyway. But, the caterpillars ate all the leaves. Nowthe caterpillars are gone and the leaves have come back.

It jjust goes to show, let Mother Nature run her course.

Happy Hump Day!

Caterpillars Again

Caterpillars are in my busg tree again. Last year I sprayed and killed them. Twice. This year I’m letting them eat the whole tree.

More than half the foliage is gone already. They are very voracious eaters. If the tree dies, oh well, I’m sorry. I won’t miss it.

Supposedly the caterpillars make monarch butterflies. I wonder if I’ll have cocoons?

If the tree dies, it’s coming down, cocoons or not. Killing the tree is suicide for the tree killers

Life is hard.

Another Great Weekend!

It was another fantastic weekend. I took the dogs to the beach, they loved it and were really well behaved. And then they had baths… One loved that more than the other. I won’t mention any names.

I got a lot of yardwork done. Mowing and ttranplanting houseplants and pulling weeds. I also picked up a whole huge bag of garbage from the roadside of our cul-de-sac, it looks a LOT better.

I finished an excellent book, a topic for another day.

I also had several really good yoga classes. (What’s amazing is how it makes your mind feel, even more than the body). Got all the laundry done and I also cooked out on the grill.

(I sound like a Suzy Homemaker )

It was a regular length weekend but seemed longer. Now it’s back to work, where I’m glad to be swamped.

Have a great week!

I Don’t Have Time For This

Here comes Bret. Supposed to fizzle out before getting here (iffee gets here at all) but I’m getting ready, pruning trees. I majorly trimmed the Otaheite Apple tree yesterday, i don’t want it to come down. Below is an after and before shot. And I put the tripod on.

I would have trimmed her thinner, but she’s full of fruit. I tried to not cut any branches with fruit, but accidentally cut one with 3 pale white Otaheite apples on it. I put them near the trunk as fertilizer.

But listen, i didn’t schedule any time this season for hurricanes., So let’s just skip it this year and move on. Ok? OK!

AND: FYI, the summer solstice is at 10:57 AM our time. The sun reaches its northernmost point, over the tropic of Cancer for a brief second. After that moment, the sun starts heading back south to the tropic of Capricorn.

Have a wonderful day!

Premier Papaya!

I’m getting my first papaya on one of the trees i planted! It’s not even the biggest tree! I like papaya, if they’re sweet, sometimes they’re kinda bland. Papaya makes good smoothies too and once the tree starts producing, they more or less continue producing.

I’m excited!


This weekend I took the above course at One Heart. It was very informative. It made me aware of how much more there is that I don’t know. The class was an introduction to The Eight Limbs Of Yoga.

I started yoga classes at the adamant insistence of my counselor, who I started seeing because of my divorce, (as I’m sure you’re tired of hearing about by now).I was instantly hooked from my first class. It cleared the wreckage in my mind and gave me peace. It led to the meditation I’ve always sought and given me a path to follow.

After the YST class, i don’t even know why we call yoga (as i always thought of it) yoga. Why don’t we just call it Asana? That’s all we do, I think that’s all most people are aware of.

My objective has always been to do the poses properly, give me precise instructions, give me a checklist. Tell me what to adjust to improve.

Now I am supposed to listen to my body, and accept the instructions i receive. Something like that.

I’ve learned in the past couple years that my “parts” seem to be more “disconnected” what is considered normal, and now i must (continue) working to unify them, now with a whole new set of instructions (guidelines? examples? ideals?) added.

It’s very exciting and somewhat overwhelming. I will rely on the guidance i have been receiving to guide me further.

I mowed the yard Friday afternoon and now, Monday morning, it could stand to be mowed again…

Happy Monday, have a good week!

Jamaica Apples Again

It looks like my tree is going to get batch 2 of Jamaica Apples! And it’s looking like a much much bigger crop than last time!

Its Wednesday, the week is going slow…

Have a good day!