Music Machine

This is a very old music machine, about 125 years old. It is about 9 feet tall and about 2 feet wide. It belongs to some friends in Costa Rica. It plays large steel disks with holes in them, there are disks stored in the bottom section.

airport post

I am posting this from my phone. I uploaded the pictures from my phone too, but couldn’t see thumbnails so I didn’t know which pics I was uploading. (A cat and a giant Flower) I am at the Costa Rica airporft now, getting ready to board the plane.

Happy Birthday Mammie!

We’ve been in Costa Rica for a few days. It is a fantastic place.
The weather has been rainy, which isn’t a bad thing, except today we need it to quit raining, because it is my Mother In Laws birthday!

Very Cool!! No!! Very HOT!!!!!

A false-color image of the Sun taken by the Solar Dynamics Observatory. (Goddard Space Flight Center NASA)

Spectacular images from Sun probe

By Stuart Gary for ABC Science Online

Scientists are seeing the violent and dynamic processes of the Sun in unprecedented detail thanks to a new spacecraft launched by the United States.

The “first light” data from NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) is providing extreme close-ups of the Sun’s surface, including never-before-seen detail of material streaming outward and away from sunspots.

Scientists with NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Centre say SDO will change their understanding of the Sun and its processes, having an impact similar to what the Hubble Space Telescope did for modern astrophysics.

Launched on February 11, SDO is the most advanced spacecraft ever designed to study the Sun.

“It’s a powerful new tool to help scientists understand solar activity like coronal mass ejections and solar flares which can have a huge impact for life on Earth,” said Professor Iver Cairns from the School of Physics at the University of Sydney.

“SDO will provide critical data to improve sciences ability to predict space weather events.”

Professor Cairns says understanding space weather is important because of its impact on communications systems, spacecraft electronics and power supplies on the ground.

“In 1987 a blackout in Quebec, Canada caused by a solar storm left 4 million people without power, some for up to six months,” he said.

Dr Steven Marsden, a stellar astronomer with the Anglo Australian Observatory, says the resolution of images from SDO is the best he has ever seen.

“It will us help study the Sun’s magnetic activity, which is driven by an internal dynamo and a combination of heat convection and differential rotation,” he said.

“While we have an understanding of this process, we still don’t understand a lot of the finer details of how it operates.”

Climate change

Dr Marsden says SDO will also help scientists understand the relationship between sunspot activity and climate change on Earth.

“During a period called the Maunder Minimum (1645-1715), sunspot activity almost completely disappeared. It coincided with a mini-ice age when the Thames River froze and there were colder than usual conditions across Europe,” he said.

SDO carries a Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager which maps solar magnetic fields. It can also look beneath the Sun’s opaque surface using ultrasound.

Another key instrument is the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly, a group of four telescopes which will study the Sun’s surface and atmosphere in 10 different wavelength bands.

“Because it operates at different wavelengths … SDO will help us understand what’s going on inside the Sun’s dynamo,” Dr Marsden said.

The third major component is the Extreme Ultraviolet Variability Experiment which measures fluctuations in the Sun’s radiant emissions.

These emissions have a direct effect on Earth’s upper atmosphere.

Cheap Furniture

I got this footstool that’s supposed to look like a dawg. It doesn’t look like a dawg very much and it’s not a very comfortable footstool.

Well, I guess it KIND of looks like a dawg. A little

That was it

It was an Ok weekend, even though Saturday was rainy. We needed the rain.
I don’t understand it, We water the banana plants almost every day. They hover on the brink of death. It rains and they put out new leaves, almost instantly. What’s wrong with the water I give them? We’re never going to get bananas at this rate.
Yesterday was laundry day and in the evening we went and visited the Bro and Sis In-Laws at East end.
And that was my weekend!

No post today

Here it is quite windy and cloudy. We had a little rain but nothing substantial.
At work I am installing a new production studio. It is almost done, but I haven’t told anyone yet, I’m telling everyone 6-9 months. And if they say “six to nine months?” I say no, sixty-nine months. And vice versa.