
Yesterday we arrived in Puerto Viejo, on the southern Caribbean coast of Costa Rica. My first time in the Costa Rican Caribbean! It is different than Cayman Caribbean. More rain, the jungle-ish vegetation goes almost right up to the waters edge.

View from our room, including the Wife!
View to the west, from our beach.
Pink boxes show our two beach visits.

We drove through heavy rainforest to get here, through a National Park, with an impressive tunnel that I didn’t get a picture of.

Coming out of the rainforest mountain.

we stopped for coffee at a roadside bar/restaurant that I thought was really cool. This is the view of the cooking area from the cash register.

The rest of the place was cool too, big open area with tables and hammocks. Even a pool table and two foosball tables!

We arrived before check in time and we went walking in town a little, The wife bought a dress, which she’s wearing in the first picture, and Travlin’ Tim fell in love with a mini mannequin that was selling necklaces! Travlin’ Tim loves boobies!

It rains a lot here, but today is supposed to be cloucy and hot too much rain. But it’s raining really hard now, but somehow, I don’t seem to mind.

Almost time for breakfast, so I’ll TTYL!

Dog n Doughnut

The dog. With her doughnut. She’s after me. I can’t get away! She won’t stop following me. Not. EVER!

This video will scare the bejeebers out of you! (sound on!)

A Day In San Jose

Yesterday we went to San Jose, primarily to visit the Jade Museum and get some passport work done for the wife.

Street view in the heart of town

National Theater

Mural on building

$12 for two hour hotel… I guess it’s for if you want to take a nap…

We went to the Jade Museum too

Typical figurine

A pipe you smoke with your nose!

Hulk Hogan

Today and tomorrow are the in-laws birthays. Party tonight!

Have a great day!

Alajuela Day

We got back to the in-laws house last night. Wife has to go into town and take care of some business. My mom and father-in law will meet them in town later. Then it’s some museums and stuff.

Today is the half way point of our trip, my mom heads home Saturday night.

Have a great day!

Good After All

Yesterday was a damn fine day. We went to the beach, I did a little snorkeling, and it turned out to be an ok day.

Pacific Angelfish

After that we had a nice lunch at a beach restaurant and then hung out at a pool we are allowed to use. Then we went back to the beach and watched the sunset, which I captured perfectly!

Perfect capture!

Today, we head back to Alejuela. The condo wasn’t so bad, after a mental adjustment on my part. I expected to walk out the back door and be on the beach, and pretty much not use the car while we were here. But it turned out to be an acceptable accommodation.

Have a great day!

First Bad Air BNB

Front Landscaping

My wife and I, and my mother and mother-in-law drove the four hours to the Pacific Ocean yesterday. We’re at Flamingo Beach. We are very disappointed in our condo. It’s on the third floor, which was not indicated on AirBNB. (My mother and mother-in-law could do without the stairs)

As far as beaches go, this one is crap. I guess I’m biased though, being used to Cayman beaches.

One path beach access.

It’s supposed to be a three bedroom, but one is a loft, with headknocker low ceilings and trip hazard floors. We’re not using it, and my mom and mother-in-law are sharing a room.

It’s not as horrible as I make it sound, here’s the view from the balcony. And a view of the condo.

Theres also a keypad door lock that so far, only my wife has been able to open. I’m afraid to go outside till after she wakes up.

And today we’re going to the beach somewhere else.

So much for the planned relaxing at the beach at the condo.

Very disappointed.

Travlin’ Tim In CR

Above: Travlin Tim at the La Paz park waterfalls

Welcome to the jungle, baby!

Costa Rican Mountain man, Travlin’ Tim.

Above is a pic of where my wife and I are staying on her parents property. My Mom is here, sleeping in the Big House.

This trip, everyone has been going to bed super early. Last night, I was in bed at 8PM, and I’m the one who stayed up latest!

Today, we’re heading to the beach on the Pacific ocean. I’m already wearing my swimsuit!

Have a great day!

Not Miskita Cays

Good read!

Long time ago, I read a book, Far Tortuga. It’s really good, but hard to understand the language. Yesterday, I saw some small islets that I was hoping were the Miskita Cays, mentioned a lot in the book.

Look at the size of our plane!

When I got to the internet, I found that they weren’t, Miskita Cay is further south. But I wasn’t able to find out what islands they were. I found them on Google Earth, but not the names. Looks like a place I’d like to visit, that and Miskita Cay. (As long as there isn’t too many Miskitas)

Any of you fishermen out there know which islands these are?

We got to the in-laws house Ok yesterday, and tomorrow my mom arrives! She’s gonna love Costa Rica!

Further Away Now

We’re further from Costa Rica now than before we started heading there! We’re in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.

We stayed with a childhood friend of my wife who lives with her husband about an hours drive from Fort Lauderdale airport.

I’m on my phone, typing this, because I got the wifi code for my phone and not my tablet. I’m missing the keyboard, total necessity!

Nobody here is awake yet. It’s 6:03 AM. I’m dressed and ready to go (almost) waiting for coffee.

We leave for CR at 10, and get there at 11, thanks to time zones. Three hour flight in one hour!

Have a great day and weekend!

Cool Petsitters!

Today is my last day at work. Tomorrow vacation starts. Tomorrow wife and I head toraerd Costa Rica!

Housitters/Petsitters arrived yesterday afternoon. Chris and Debbie. Two thumbs up. We expected Sheba more likely to be a problem but Lenny seemed to have taken ownership of the house. Barking protectively (jealously) when Debbie or Chris petted Sheba or moved about the house.

I think these petsitters are going to be fine with the animals. Plus they’re cool people, I wouldn’t mind hanging out with them for a few days before we went to Costa Rica!

It dawned on me this morning, that as Sheba gets older, Lenny is going to step up more and more, taking care of and protecting her. They really bonded at first sight. Good thing.

Walking the dogs this morning, it was cloudless, as it gets lighter, it gets cloudier. I was hoping to ride the scooter today, but alas, it seems like it wasn’t meant to be. Oh well.

Have a great day!