Friday Post 2

its Friday and I’m very glad. I feel much better today than yesterday.

I was having problems with my bank, but got it sorted. Now I’m ready for an overly busy weekend..

Im running late this morning so I’ll talk to you later!

Have a great weekend!


ive been going through (another) period where there seems to be no topics for me to post about, or, I don’t like the posts I post.

Ive gotten to the point where I’m going to accept being single. I’ve asked everybody I’m interested in out, they all said no, there’s nobody.

Seems like

I’m 63, I don’t want to be looking for a girlfriend like some teenager, I want to be in an established marriage. The fact that I’m in a situation where I’m looking for a partner is embarrassing and humiliating.

theres worse things than being single.

Back To The Ratrace

Im back to work today, seems like I’ve been gone from work a long time.

here it’s rainy again, steady rain. I haven’t checked the weather, a hurricane could be bearing down on us and I wouldn’t know. (I’d probably know).

I feel neutral and flat mentally this morning, not good, not bad, just in-the-moment,-let’s-see-what’s-next kinda.

But all is well!

Have a great day!!

High School Reunion

Yesterday was the first day of my 45th high school reunion. It was fun. Even Travlin’ Tim was reunited with an old classmate.

Yesterday I rode from St Louis to Moberly with two classmates, Sheryl and Chris, and then met up with a whole bunch of classmates, most of which I hadn’t seen in 46 years, 1977. (Although it was the 45th high school reunion I moved away in my junior year so for me it was the 46th year since I had seen my classmates)

Below are a few pictures, I’m not going type a lot about how much fun the day was.

Not to mention how nice it was to see Moberly again, my old house, my old elementary school, and the newspaper I delivered.

Today, half the class is playing golf and half (including me) are going on a tout of the high school.

Speaking of gold, below is an old newspaper photo in which I played golf. Can you spot me?

Have a great day!

Tomorrow I Go!

Tomorrow I head up to the USA. I’m taking off work early and I have to mow the yard, and clean the house, so the house sitter doesn’t think I’m a slob. (She already knows I’m a slob). I also have to pack.

I’m looking forward to seeing my old high school friends. My old house, my old stomping grounds.

But for now, off to work!

“Lost” His Plane?

In yesterdays news, there was a story about a “missing” F-35. The pilot ejected safely after a “mishap”. But the plane was “missing”…. Later, the wreckage was found.. two hours away. .

The article just said two hours, it didn’t specify two hours by air, car or turtle ride, just two hours.

Now, I could be wrong, as I frequently am, but the first thing that popped into my head, was that the “mishap” was that the pilot ejected unintentionally, and the plane, being just fine, kept on flying by itself. It was missing till they found where it crashed….

Thats my unsubstantiated theory….

“I was just tryin’ to find the little lever that scoots the seat back!”

What say you??

Happy Tuesday !

Vacation Workweek

This is my last workweek before vacation. I’m off Friday, headed the Missouri, USA, (as you probably already knew), for my high school reunion. I feel like I have a lot to do before I go, both here at home and at work

It was a full weekend. I had Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year and I went diving and I sprayed sealer on the new tile sundeck.. I will be getting more sealer today as I didn’t have enough. And went diving yesterday for the first time in a month. There is a lot of coral dying. Very noticable. My thermometer had 86⁰ F, which is normal for summer, but maybe it should be cooler by now..Very worrisome.

Im off to work, have a great week !