Raquel Welch

When I was a wee lad at South Park elementary school in Moberly Missouri USA, I loved Raquel Welch. I carried a black and white picture of her that I cut from a magazine..

She was in the news because the “suit” she wore in the picture above sold at an auction for one million dollars. Among other items of hers. Read the article HERE.

She died in February a year ago. Just the memory of her is worth a million bucks to me!!!

Have a great day!

Costa Rican Coffee

My friends got back from Costa Rica and brought me coffee from my Tia Cynthia. I can’t wait to try it.

I feel nostalgic about the coffee, my friends visiting the familiar house of my Aunt. I wonder if I’ll ever be there again? The last time I was there, I never dreamed it would be the last time I’d be there.

Happy Thursday !

Pineapple Pi Day

I have four pineapples growing in my yard. Below, you can see 3 of them.

Can you see all 3? They’re there!

Happy Pi day! 3.14. i got out of the Navy March 14 1985. Went in March 15 1979. Long time ago!

it rained last night! I was awake for my 2:30 insomnia session and it rained good for about 15 minutes. Puddles on the road this morning. The plants needed it a lot. Tap water just doesn’t do the trick like rain.

Have an excellent day!

a little ahead

It’s just past 6:30, seems I’m a little ahead of schedule this morning.

Last night was a rough night for me. Mentally, I was NOT sleeping, thinking along the lines of “what do I want? If I could have whatever I wanted, what would it be?”

i was drawing a blank. All I could come up with was wishing my wife never had left and that she could be happy. And that can never be anymore.

It was torturous, laying there, trying not to think. And it’s thinking about me, so it’s sickening self pity and self centered egotism. Disgusting on every facet

But I’m awake now and things are looking much better. Like every morning.

Have a great day!

Friends Faux Family Farewell

My visitors leave today, I am quite sad about it. It was a very short trip.

Yesterday was so rainy, we could barely make it outside. But we had a two meal day consisting of a late big breakfast and and a late big lunch.

The highlight of the trip, I suppose, was Jessika taking the intro to scuba class at Don Fosters.

I am so sad to see them go. My life is forever enriched, seeing Jessika again. She was born (with her twin sister, Veronika) on the day I got out of the Navy. I wish they were my daughters.

Tomorrow it’s back to work for me. This morning my weigh in was 163.8, pounds an alarming new record low weight.

Have a great week!


I never saw this show

Do you have a lot of friends? I do. I have friends I work with, I have friends I scuba dive with, I have friends I go to dinner with on Friday nights. I have friends “in the program”.

Friends as an adult seems different than friends I had when I was a child in school. With school friends, we would hang out after dinner and before dinner. We would talk on the phone 100 times a day. We were constantly in each other’s lives.

Somewhere along the line things changed,we’re friends, but there’s a distance, a subtle boundary, almost undetectable.

Years ago, my wife and I had an argument and she called her friends and I was painfully aware that I had nobody to call. Now, with this divorce going on, it never feels “right” to talk to my “friends” about it. If I do, I don’t feel good about it afterwards. Like some topics don’t fit in the “category” of our friendship. I feel like my only option is to talk to a stranger like a counselor, someone who is paid to do a job. And that doesn’t always do the trick either, I don’t get the connection, I don’t get whatever’s missing because the counselor or stranger doesn’t know the back story story, doesn’t know me, doesn’t know the people involved.

There’s lots of quotation marks in this post…

I guess I’m asking if you feel the same way? Do our friends and friendships get different as we get older? What changes? I’m thinking it has something to do with the creation of a new family, which I feel like I have lost recently.

Anyway, happy Wednesday have a good day!

Another Picturesque Monday

It’s another Monday with another batch of weekend pictures. It was a nice weekend lengthened by the addition of 3 days vacation time. I went to an old beach near where I used to live and walked up to the old Homestead as near as I dared.

I lived in the center unit when hurricane Michelle put a wave through the whole place. It’s about 50 feet from the sea.

I went to the annual Recovery Month Festival at Pedro Saint James.

panorama view.
Pedro St. James’s Hurricane Ivan memorial.
And I took a picture of a tiny, tiny flower, half the size of a pencil eraser.

And now I’m headed back to work, and for some odd reason, I’m actually looking forward to it.

Have a wonderful Week!

14 March 1985

31 years ago today, I got out of the Navy after six years active duty and six months inactive. I joined on the Delayed Entry Program 15 Sep 1978 and went to boot camp 15 March 1979. They send you home the day before, ’cause I guess technically you’re still in while you travel.

I went at NTC Great Lakes,  for almost two years, for boot camp and Electronics Technician School, then I got stationed in Pearl Harbor on board the USS Somers DDG 34. I also went to some schools at Mare Island, north of San Fransisco.

And that’s my post for today!

One Day & A Wakeup! Plus A Long Ramble

Tomorrow we go to Mexico! I don’t even know why I’m even bothering going to work today!

It was  a 50/50 weekend.

We didn’t go to a wedding on Saturday, we’re going to a wedding in Mexico.

The wife worked Sunday, she came home with sandwiches, she accidently gave me the wrong sandwich, I ate it. She got super super mad at me for not noticing. I was watching American football, not paying attention along those lines, her sandwich was completely different than mine. I should have noticed. One time at Subway, I ordered a chicken sandwich. I ate it and it was excellent. After that, the worker came up and asked me if my sandwich had chicken on it. I said I don’t know, but it was excellent. They found a piece of chicken in the  microwave and figured it was supposed to go in my sandwich. I thought and thought, but couldn’t remember if there was chicken in my sandwich or not. But I remember it was good. the other day we went to a restaurant, I ordered a beef sandwich. I was terrible. Tasted like charcoal, literally. The manager came over when I was almost done, and asked how everything was, I said terrible, tastes like charcoal. She gave me a weird look, ’cause I was woofin’ it down. I said “Hey, you asked”. I have these two teeth that gets food stuck between them. When I got home and jammed a toohpick between those teeth and got out the hunk of meat from that sandwich I could taste it again. It was terrible tasting.  Charcoal. I don’t care about food. Eating and sleeping are wastes of time, and if I didn’t have to do them, I wouldn’t.

Football-wise his weekend was opposite of last weekend. Almost all my teams lost. And the Redskins got hammered like they hammered last week.

Did you ever see the movie “The Matrix”? Where the cat walks by twice and Neo says “Whoa, deja vu”? It’s hapening to me, our cat, Ashy, keeps walking by. She’s doing laps, in the laundry door, through the kitchen, out the dining room door to the back porch and under my table. Again and again, like the Matrix movie.

Let me out of here, I gotta go to work.

Have a good week, I might not post tomorrow, I’ll be going to the airport.

Happy Anniversary!

Ten Years ago this evening, I was on Cayman Brac and I met the girl who became my wife.
I firmly believe that there is no better human on this planet than she is. I wouldn’t change a thing. She is the best part of my life and the best part of my day, every day.

My first words to her were “Which one of these two cables is longer?” I asked, holding up two coils of audio cable. I was working for Radio Cayman and she was at the front desk of Brac Reef Resort.

While today isn’t any sort of official anniversary, like a birthday or wedding anniversary, it’s the anniversary of a day that changed my life for the better, forever.


Happy 10th Anniversary Baby!