Monday Movie Review: No Escape (2015)

Last night we watched a movie called No Escape (2015). I put the year in because there are several movies entitled “No Escape”


US companies go into poor countries and get them a loan for a service they cannot afford, like roads or in this case, water treatment facilities. When the counrty cannot repay the loan, the company and/or the US government basically gets to strip the country of it’s resources in the name of collecting on the debt.

This movie is about an fictional country that revolted because their government drove them into a unpayable debt and economic crisis that basically goes on for lifetimes.

In the movie, a family arrives to live while the husband works as an engineer at aforementioned water treatment plant.

The day after they arrive, the revolt starts, and the government is overthrown, and the rebels start killing all foriegners. The story is about their escape from the country.

It was a very intense, bloody movie. Four stars on Netflix, but absolutely terrible “official” reviews on the web.

To me, the movie reflected a lot about what is going on in the world today, with the debt all over, and the rebellion culd be the only way to escape such a problem. After all, corrupt politicians betraying their countries and citizens for self profit is a big problem in the world today. isn’t it?

Definitely worth watching. Definitely.

Personal New Year

Tomorrow is my birthday, 7-11.


I’ll be 55.

When I turned 40, seems like about 5 minutes ago, I thought, “My life  is approximately half over  (If I don’t screw up and get m’self kilt)”. This second half seems  to be moving a lot faster than the first.

I think that birthdays are good times to make new years resolutions, after all, it is the start of a personal new year, isn’t it?
My resolution is “no TV when the sun is above the horizon”. I gave up television totally before I got married, now, the Wife likes it, so I end up watching too, and getting addicted. I like Modern Family.


This weekend, we’re going to East End for a mini stay-cation. It’s gonna be GREAT!
We have a young woman staying over to take care of the dawgs.

You know you’re getting old when you call a pretty girl a “young woman”!

Have a good weekend!

Leonard Nimoy


I haven’t mentioned Leonard Nimoy’s death yet. I remember Star Trek as long as I can remember.
He was 83. My father died at 79.
I don’t think a person who dies at 83 died of smoking when they quit 30 years ago. I think it was just old age.

Live Long And Prosper Mr Spock.
Rest In Peace Mr Nimoy

You Know You’re Old When…


On the news, Conan Obrian is taking over the Tonight Show from Jay Leno. I remember it was just the other day when Jay Leno took it over from Johnny Carson.


Although I meant to, I never got around to watching the show with Jay Leno. I saw Johnny Carson often enough.

I was working when Leno took over and I’m still working now. It would be nice to make enough to retire someday.  Can’t see it happening for me. I’ll probably be working till the day I die. At least I can go to the beach at lunch!


UPDATE! I just found out Jimmy Fallon is taking over, not Conan O’Brian. Sorry for the fuckup. To my knowledge, I never saw Fallon or Conan on TV either.