
COP28, a big meeting discussing and commiting to action to reduce emission of greenhouse gases that cause global warming just finished.

Im no expert on global warming but don’t deny that humans contribute or actually caused it, but I think that there’s another thing, vastly more important to watch.

The air we breathe is approximately 78 percent nitrogen and 21 percent oxygen. Those numbers haven’t changed, no matter how much carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide and crap we produce or what we burn and stuff we do on this planet.

Science doesn’t know or understand how these numbers remain so constant, the 21% and the 79%. But I think if we see these numbers change, you will see a rapid change in this planet.

Maybe global warming is caused by the Milky Way drifting towards some gigantic heat source. This planet has had ice ages, and whatever the opposite of an ice age is, before.

The planet will be fine, we humans are going to kill ourselves.

Go India! Take The Moon!

Today is the day India will attempt to land their Chandrayaan-3:moon lander on the south pole of the moon. See BBC live updates HERE.

I wish them the best of luck.

The south pole of the moon is picked as the best place to land and set up a moon base because of ice, which is frozen water. People need water. AND daylight and darkness at somewhat regular intervals. Everywhere else on the moon, the sun comes up for 14 earth revolutions and then stays down for 14 earth revolutions. So there only one day a month on the moon, which would drive a human living there nutzo.

I’m excited about this. GO INDIA! Go planet Earth!

I don’t know what’s wrong with the north pole though. Everyone seems interested in only the south pole.

Have a great day!

UPDATE! Less than an hour after this post was posted, Chandrayaan-3 did indeed successful land as planned!

The Protector

I woke up last night at the usual time, middle of the night. I felt the panic attempt to grab me but I evaded it. I can’t really describe what happened. I could feel it rising and I don’t want to say I pushed it back down but it advanced then inexplicably retreated. Normally I am unsuccessful at any attempts to control my “night madness” and I was pleased and relieved to have a hiatus.
However, my assignment was to examine the panic and determine what it is that grasps me in the middle of the night every night. I know what it is in a way, fear and aloneness. But that is too vague. I must identify (and alleviate?) the roots.

This morning, thinking about it, I remembed ‘the protector’.
My other assignment, which I had forgotten, was to identify and observe “the protector”. (I had asked if I was possibly schizophrenic when the protector was described to me) When things that I want to look at run away to avoid being examined, that is “my protector” protecting me. It thinks it’s protecting me from things it thinks are too painful for me to look at.
This morning I tried to examine the fear and the protector hid it from me. I admit at the time that I was pleased the fear went away but this morning I realized that that was not the objective. It was not doing me any favors.
We’ll see what happens tomorrow.. I’m ready to enter the haunted house.

In the meantime, I am in a great mood today, for which I am thankful, and, it’s my Friday! (Remember, Thursdays and Fridays off, rest of the year!)

But, more importantly, in the news, Scientists have found clitorises on female snakes. It wasn’t necessarily that it was elusive – rather, scientists weren’t really looking for it.

Have a GREAT day!!

Artemis Moonship – Safely Home

The Artemis moon mission was completed this weekend Read an article HERE. It will be cool to still be alive when humans return to the moon. Maybe establish a permanent moon base.

it was a nice weekend. Quiet restful somewhat productive. I tidied some areas like my desk and my nightstand. I found and sprayed for even more caterpillars, out front this time. It’s just nonstop, I tell you. There were none, then they just appear.

im out the door for work! Have a great week!

Insight Lander New and Now

the Insight Lander on Mars is reaching its end of life. The whole thing is caked with dust and the solar panels cannot recharge the batteries.

The only hope is a little martian tornado come by and blow the dust off.

but it’s probably the end for this Martian Lander and it’s seismograph that measured marsquakes and equipment that listened to the sounds of Mars. Read an article HERE.

Insight Lander is over, just like this week is over. Have a good weekend!

Lizard Brain

Below is part of a document I’m working on, something I’m investigating.

The lizard brain (amygdala) is located where the spine enters the brain. Its function is to take over the body and actions to ensure survival in times of danger. It operates the body in any way it deems necessary to survive. Near the front of our brain is the rational brain. It is our personality, who we are. Our social skills. Our experiences and memories and the things we learn in life. The rational brain runs the show when times are good, and communicates constantly with the lizard brain which learns things that might come in handy for survival.

The lizard brain learns from our rational brain, only in times without trauma. For example, when you learn to scuba dive, the lizard brain learns about scuba diving and how to stay alive in an emergency. I don’t think lizard brain learns from the scuba books we read, it learns from what experiences we have while diving. For example, a new diver may tend to panic and bolt for the surface if a problem is perceived underwater, but an experienced diver would not, because the lizard brain has learned from the rational brain during previous dives.

It seems as if there is a “trauma light” in the brain, when the trauma light comes on. The lizard brain takes over, the rational brain is cut off, and does not influence what we do or how we act. The light is on or off, there is no in between.

Trauma is trauma. If the trauma light is on, the lizard brain is running the body. If the trauma light is on, the lizard brain cannot learn new things, because it is disconnected from the rational brain. It cannot remember new names, cannot remember new details in a conversation. No new information is processed. When the trauma light is on, the lizard brain will do what it did last time, because it knows that it will survive taking this particular action. The lizard brain is modifiable only when the trauma light is NOT on.

There is no strong trauma or weak trauma. As far as the body is concerned, the trauma a combat veteran may feel hearing fireworks is no more or less than the trauma of a little kid who is afraid of clowns.

That’s probably the first quarter of the paper I’m working on. For what? I don’t know… I need to break up my routine. My counselor thinks I operate solely on my lizard brain almost all the time. In nearly constant fight or flight mode.

I got a new vacuum cleaner yesterday, it’s fantastic. It’s a shop vac that has more power, all the attachments and costs just over half what an inferior house model would cost. I’m very pleased with the purchase.

And now I’m off to work! Have a great day!

Tuskless Elephants

Female African elephants are rapidly evolving to become TUSKLESS due to ivory poaching, study warns.

Read the story HERE. The same story was aired on the BBC this morning.

How is it possible? If someone shoots an elephant, God forbid, how can that elephant possibly know why it was being shot? After it’s dead, how can it pass on genetic information to its offspring? The last two paragraphs of the article mention genetics and genomes, but I still don’t see how it’s possible.

Happy Friday!

Space Laundry

Did you know, that as of right now, astronauts cannot do laundry in space??

According to the article here, In these modern times in which we are living, the astronauts wear their clothes for a few days. Then when they (the clothes) get too dirty or stinky. they (the astronauts) throw them (the clothes) away and use new clothes. No laundry! There’s no way for them to do laundry in space! Who’d a ever thunk it? It’s also more difficult to bathe in space. Oh, the things they didn’t tell us in space camp…

So finally they’re going to develop a laundry system for space. You can read it in the article linked above, it’s fascinating.

I wonder what the difference between space soap and Earth soap is??

In more space news, a photographer in Virginia, USA captured the International Space Station transiting the sun on June 25th. You can read that article here. That article is even cooler than the space soap one.

And in local news, I woke up this morning to 100% cloud cover and steady rain, a rare phenomenon here. Most of the time our rain is very localized. Isolated showers from a single cloud floating by, spewing water only underneath it. Usually it rains everywhere except here in West Bay too. It is good to have the rain because we really really needed it.

I hope you have a wonderful day, Stay dry!

New Dinosaur

New Dinosaur discovered in Australia!

Scientists in Australia have classified a new species of dinosaur, discovered in 2007, as the largest ever found on the continent.

The Australotitan cooperensis or “the southern titan”, is among the 15 largest dinosaurs found worldwide.

.That’s from the BBC, Read it HERE..

it’s looking like it’s going to be a nice day. It’s been raining almost every day for about a week.

Have a good day!