Cat Recruitment Process

There’s a new cat that’s been hanging around off and on for months. I’m trying to recruit him/her (her i think) into my cat clan. She has eaten (where I saw her eating) food i gave her twice. Hopefully more.

She has amazing “appear out of nowhere” and “disappear into thin air” skills.

It’s Friday and it’s going to be a yardwork/housecleaning weekend. Ja ha. We’ll see.

Havva goodun!

Older Than I Think

I think I’m much older than I think i am . I see people who i think are about my age, and sometimes find out they are much younger than me. People who are actually near my age i think are much older than me.

This is a disturbing altercation in my perception of reality.

im in excellent health and should live forever, but I’m so old, i might die any minute!

And nothing in between!

I hope you have a wonderful day.

Jamaica Apples Again

It looks like my tree is going to get batch 2 of Jamaica Apples! And it’s looking like a much much bigger crop than last time!

Its Wednesday, the week is going slow…

Have a good day!

365 Days!

Today marks 365 days of meditation as i was taught in a meditation class i took, well, I guess, it must be just about exactly a year ago!

I feel really good. It is said that suffering is the touchstone of spiritual growth, and I suffered immensely from my divorce and i can see my own gains brought on by meditation.

But I know there’s a long way to go, and there’s no getting “there” the object is to make “here” as good as it can be.

And if it works for me, I’m sure it can work for anyone

Have a great day!

Divine Purpose

I took a 2 day class this weekend, Finding Our Divine Purpose, or to me, what do I want to be when I grow up? It was very emotionally in depth and soul searching. And everybody shared sensitive information about themselves and the vulnerability was very rewarding.

I thought I was the only one who didn’t have it all together, now I know there are at least eight of us.

I took my busted watch back to the store. I don’t expect to hear back from them unless i call. They plainly said the warranty covers everything except water damage. Even though it’s a swim watch, it’s a phone store and my watch, wrong or right, falls under their broad policy.

So its Monday, and I feel pretty neutral about the upcoming week. I hope to be pleasantly surprised.

The Dead Watch

I swam the half mile yesterday. My new Samsung Active 2 died, first time I put it in the water. Where I bought it specifically said the warranty does not cover water damage. The watch is rated to 50 meters deep and is made to track swimming You will, i think, find 3 dead Samsung watches on this blog. I’m pretty done with Samsung watches..

All these fitness trackers claim to be waterproof, but none really seem to be. 50 meters is like scuba diving waterproof.

i.really enjoy having my sleep and exercise monitored though…. What’s next? I’m looking at a OnePlus Band. 26 dollars, used.

Happy Friday!

Master And Margarita

I finally finished Master and Margarita. What a strange book.

It’s worth reading for its weirdness. There seems to be two main plots. 1) The devil comes to town with a small squad of assistants. He has a magic show where he gives away money and women’s clothes. Then the money turns into something worthless or illegal, and the clothes disappear and women are suddenly naked in the streets, the men are arrested for illegal currency or they’re just out the money. And everybody thinks everybody is crazy.

And 2) Master, who wrote a book and most of it was destroyed except Margarita has a small section. Master is in a psyche ward in a basement. (I don’t know why his name is Master)

Margarita is in an unhappy marriage, and because of the devil, becomes a witch to become queen of the devil’s crazy party, where dead people come out of a fire in a huge fireplace. Margarita loved Master but thinks he must be dead.

After the party, the devil reunites Master and Margarita, gives them a complete copy of Masters book. He then has them both killed and brought back to life. This cures Master of his insanity and apparently he and Margarita live happily ever after.

Then the devil and his assistants (mostly his assistants) basically burn the place down as they are leaving.

And there’s a lot more to it than that. I didn’t get from the book, but read in a review, that the devil was punishing people for being greedy but they didn’t seem too greedy to me. If money rained from the sky, I’d pick up all I could. What woman wouldn’t take the latest, greatest fashions in clothing of offered?

It was a weird book, weird . It was written in the 1930s but didn’t get published until 1966, because, well, you know, Russia. But to me the overall tone of the book was pro Russian 1930s government. Apparently the Russian government was confiscating people’s cash and valuables and not turning yours in was punishable

You gotta read it and tell me what you think…

Sunrise This AM

Above is this mornings sunrise. It was a nice one! It’s also very close to the new moon, so maybe the moon is hidden in this picture too

Not much to post this morning. Another workday! Have fun!

Happy Blog Birthday!

17 April 2005 was my first post on this blog. You can see it here. I never intended to write a blog. i went to blogspot to learn what blogging was because i didn’t know. Then I created an account, because I thought I had to, then i posted a post, because i thought I had to. And here we are today.

the funny thing I remember is how hard it was to find other people’s blogs in the beginning. Not a problem anymore for me but I wonder if newbies today have that problem.

Happy Birthday! Have a good week!