……there was a very drunk regular sitting on his usual stool in a very crowded bar. He was very drunk, leaning on the bar with his head down.
The place was packed, and this woman came up behind him to try to get a drink, waving at the bartender and calling. She had very hairy armpits. She accidently bumped into the drunk and he turned around on his stool, and caught an eyeful of her hairy armpit, turned back around and called to the bartender, “HEY BARTENDER! BRING THE BALLERINA A DRINK!”

The bartender came down, took the woman’s drink order, gave her her drink and she took off, into the crowd.
A little while later, the same woman comes up to the same spot at the bar to get another drink. Waving to get the bartenders attention, she accidently bumps the drunk again, he turns around and gets another shot in the eye of her hairy armpit, turns to the bartender and calls “HEY BARTENDER! BRING THE BALLERINA ANOTHER DRINK!” The bartender gives her her drink and off she goes into the crowd.
The bartender says to the drunk, “You come in here all the time, I’ve never seen that woman before, and I’m pretty sure you’ve never seen her before either. What makes you think she’s a ballerina?
The drunk replied, “Anybody who can lift their leg that high HAS to be a ballerina!”
Ha ha. Get it? Have a good day.