Insight Lander New and Now

the Insight Lander on Mars is reaching its end of life. The whole thing is caked with dust and the solar panels cannot recharge the batteries.

The only hope is a little martian tornado come by and blow the dust off.

but it’s probably the end for this Martian Lander and it’s seismograph that measured marsquakes and equipment that listened to the sounds of Mars. Read an article HERE.

Insight Lander is over, just like this week is over. Have a good weekend!

wordless work week


Happy Monday to you all. Above is the sunset last night from the roof deck.

On the dawg walk this morning, Mars and Saturn were very close together. Maybe they’ll be closer tomorrow, but probably not . They’re making a triangle with Venus, very bright in the morning sky.

And it’s just another wordless work week after a weekend made up of mostly good parts.
