Another Great Weekend!

It was another fantastic weekend. I took the dogs to the beach, they loved it and were really well behaved. And then they had baths… One loved that more than the other. I won’t mention any names.

I got a lot of yardwork done. Mowing and ttranplanting houseplants and pulling weeds. I also picked up a whole huge bag of garbage from the roadside of our cul-de-sac, it looks a LOT better.

I finished an excellent book, a topic for another day.

I also had several really good yoga classes. (What’s amazing is how it makes your mind feel, even more than the body). Got all the laundry done and I also cooked out on the grill.

(I sound like a Suzy Homemaker )

It was a regular length weekend but seemed longer. Now it’s back to work, where I’m glad to be swamped.

Have a great week!

Listen Inside

pics from the weekend above.

It was a long, satisfying weekend . Friday was a nice dinner out, Saturday was an invigorating day with a very challenging yoga class and then beach. Sunday was the usual beach yoga and breakfast and then I came home to meet and introduce a new pet sitter to my dogs.

I thought it would be fine to spend a lazy afternoon at home, And it was. I read and took a nap. But later in the afternoon, I started getting a little antsy. I stayed home, but in hindsight, it would have been ok to change my plans and gone out, for a late lunch or maybe take the dogs to the beach.

I realized that it’s sometimes ok to change a plan, AND I learned that I have been somewhat inflexible, especially with myself (nobody else does what I want anyway! HaHa!). Once I make a decision or plan, I tend to not consider that I can change my mind….

Interesting minor revelation.

Happy Monday , have a fantastic week!

Rewriting Books

I got my Kindle Scribe about January 10th. I really like it a lot, more and more. I love writing on it. And reading.

Since Master and Margarita,Ive been taking notes on the books I read. It’s morphed to basically rewriting each chapter in my own words, but hopefully in a shorter form.

My notes on Circe were 60.pages long!

Anyway not sure of my point, but the Scribe is so much better than the Paperwhite, and worth every penny. I find writing on it to be super fun too.

Have a great weekend!

Rocket Powered Airplane

I took this picture this morning just before sunrise. The sun was shining on the plane, but not on me yet. At first glance light was reflecting off the plane itself making a separate dot from the vapor trail, but by the time I whipped out the camera the reflection was gone. You can still see the plane pretty well in the picture.

I started reading Homer’s Odyssey, I don’t think I can do it. It’s written like bullet points, with one not relating to the other, along list of facts, it seems. I guess that’s what prose means.

Fitzgerald’s translation is probably the third translation I’ve tried. It is allegedly the most popular. I need to find a version that is written more like a story like a regular book. The way this book is written, reminds me of Dante’s inferno, a very tough read. I did find a storybook version of that, however.

Happy Friday! Tomorrow is July..

I have a tenant moving into the apartment today for 90 days. Gonna turn on the AC and put out some towels before I leave for qork I mean work.

Have a great weekend And a long one!

Goodreads 2023 Reading Challenge

I signed myself up for the 2023 Goodreads reading challenge. I am to read 15 books this year. I think I’m on 6, and I’m starting to have doubts about if I will make it. Master and Margarita was a very long book and took a long time to read, because of its complexity. Right now I am reading The Candy House and it seems like it is taking longer than it should.

I have to read faster, and shorter, easier books. Are you reading any books you think I’d like? Let me know!

Happy Friday!